Metaforinės Kortos

Effective way to strengthen your imagination and discover new ideas.

Start improving your knowledge TODAY!

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Metaphorical Cards

Wide selection of cards according to your needs.

Courses and Coaching Sessions

Goals and knowledge that ensure the desired change.

Valuable Information

Valuable tips on how to choose and to use metaphorichal cards!

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Client Reviews

Jolita Buračienė / UAB Douglas, Personalo vadovė
Jolita Buračienė / UAB Douglas, Personalo vadovė
We had one goal of learning how to work more smoothly, delegate tasks, and give feedback. The playful and illustrative presentation of knowledge is undoubtedly the biggest value of the lecturer. The training was simply engaging and encouraged deeper interest. Now it is easier to predict whether an employee is suitable for a specific position, what tasks he will perform flawlessly, what motives motivate him to act.
Paulina Botyriūtė / Marketingo vadybininkė
Paulina Botyriūtė / Marketing Manager
The key strength of the training is definitely the competence of the lecturer. Structure, clarity, concreteness, information - a lot of material, but everything is professionally put down together stated clearly. During the lecture, there are many examples that help you to understand material better, also engage in class activity. Enneagram is a particularly fascinating paradox for me: at first glance it may appear to be putting people on certain shelves, but deep mechanisms are hidden inside it. After I started studying, I didn't let go, I fell in love and now I see it everywhere.
Darius Rupšlaukis / Derybos LT, Derybų ir pardavimų treneris
Darius Rupšlaukis / Derybos LT, Negotiation and sales trainer
How to become a good coach? I've been skeptical of coaching and coaches for a long time. It always seemed to me that they were baked like pancakes during Mardi Gras. However, after a coaching session with Reda Slavinskaite, the things in business started to improve. I wanted to become a coaching specialist, and thank you for that, Reda.
Agnė Anaitė / UAB Eurovaistinė, Žmonių departamento direktorė
Agnė Anaitė / UAB Eurovaistinė, Director of the People Department
It was important for me to discover a methodology for getting to know people better, to understand the motives of their behavior and thinking. The Enneagram met my requirements. Very excellent training format: lectures and their repetition, small group, homework done in pairs - a great opportunity to repeat the material and chat with interesting people. I highly recommend it, because Reda shares her knowledge professionally and conveys messages perfectly.
Donata Uchockienė / UAB Gameta, Įmonės vadovė
Donata Uchockienė / UAB Gameta, Company Manager
Personal development, new knowledge and skills have always been and are important in my life. But their applicability in work activities, achieving goals and improving relations with employees and colleagues is no less important.
Erika Gudeliūnaitė / UAB Douglas, Regiono vadovė
Erika Gudeliūnaitė / UAB Douglas, Regional Manager
I have participated in several trainings with Reda, which helped to improve both myself and my team. Coaching and Enneagram courses were very useful for me, because I learned about never heard methodologies that are perfectly applicable both at work and in my personal life.
Lina Jokubauskienė / UAB Visrupos servisas, Projektų vadovė
Lina Jokubauskienė / UAB Visrupos servisas, Project manager
I wanted to get to know myself and other people better, find out what principles to follow in order to select the best employees, understand them, motivate them properly, help a newly hired person to get involved in the company's activities faster.
Jekaterina Žilinskaja / UAB Transcom, Grupės vadovė
Jekaterina Žilinskaja / UAB Transcom, Head of the Group
I felt tension at work, which made it difficult to communicate with colleagues and managers. During the sessions, I liked the opportunity to get to know and understand myself better, as well as concrete methods of not taking everything to head. Now this helps me a lot to be able to separate my emotions from the information I really want to convey.
Audrius Kurlavičius / Klaipėdos turizmo mokykla, Direktorius
Audrius Kurlavičius / Klaipėda School of Tourism, Director
Very interesting, relevant and useful training. In these courses, I strengthen my knowledge and acquired new skills, that show huge benefits in my current work methods.
Julija Biveinienė / UAB Douglas, Mokymų vadovė
Julija Biveinienė / UAB Douglas, Head of Training
My company encouraged me to participate in the training course. I wanted to know what these courses provide and how to use it in work practice. I liked all practical tasks, theoretical knowledge.
Vilija Austienė / VŠĮ Medicinos ir socialinių tyrimų institutas
Vilija Austienė / VŠĮ Medicinos ir socialinių tyrimų institutas
Lektorė nuostabi, dėmesinga, išmananti savo darbą. Mokymai priminė, kad tą pačią situaciją mes matome skirtingai, todėl nereikia primetinėti savo įžvalgų klientui, o SVARBIAUSIAI visi atsakymai yra mūsų viduje, tik reikia padėti tai išsiaiškinti. Patiko teorija, praktika ir namų darbai, galėjau iškart pajausti kortelių teikiamą naudą. Mokymai praverstų visiems, norintiems labiau pažinti save ir aplinkinius. Dirbantiems su vaikais, suaugusiais, komandomis: mokytojams, psichologams, personalo specialistams ir kt.

All the information about our courses, the coaching sessions and the methodologies we use can be found on our Re-Act homepage!

Individual and group trainings are organized live and remotely. The knowledge you acquire though our courses can be used both in personal and professional activities.
