Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If we have not included the answer to your question, call tel. no. +370 611 37959 or email at: [email protected]
- What is MAC?
MAK yra trumpinys, apimantis visas metaforines korteles ir reiškia – Metaforinės Asociatyvinės Kortos. Tad kokios rūšies ar kokio gamintojo kortas išsirinksite, jos bus MAK. Paprastai kortelėse atvaizduojami tam tikri objektai ar situacijos, kurios mums sukelia tam tikras Asociacijas su mūsų gyvenimu, suteikia Metaforinę reikšmę. Kartais jos dar vadinamos Projekcinėmis, nes sudaro mums galimybę perkelti savo emocijas ir išgyvenimus į kortelę, pažvelgti į viską tarsi iš šalies.
- How to choose metaphorical cards?
If you are just starting to work with metaphorical cards, it is recommended to choose Universal cards, such as KAK or OH. The situations portrayed in them are simple, so they are suitable for various inquiries, people of all professions and ages. The set also includes word cards, so you can create various combinations of words and pictures. Of course, there are also specialized cards for working with children, couples, work teams, etc. You can find all the information in Advice.
- How to use metaphorical cards?
The uses of metaphorical cards are very universal, and the number of possible layouts and techniques is endless. You can find several ways to use it in the section Advices. These methods are suitable for testing cards and practicing. If you use the cards for your own purposes, you can freely change, supplement or invent your own layouts. If you plan to work with people, we recommend that you attend at least one of our course - the introductory Course.
- Do the cards have fixed meanings?
No. Metaphorical cards have not have single fixed meaning. They do not give advice, predict the future or cast spells. Metaphorical cards free our imagination, evoke personal emotions, so the meanings of the cards are very individual and subjective, having only the meaning given by the client. In some card sets, you will find various descriptions, interpretations of words and images, but this is only intended to activate the imagination and expand the angle of vision.
- Do I need to go finish courses to use the cards?
If you plan to use metaphorical cards for your own purposes, self-knowledge, motivation, etc., training is not necessary. There is enough information for this in the Advice section, where you will find layout methods, possible questions, and ethics rules. If you will be working with people, training is highly recommended. Read more in the section Training.
- What courses should I choose?
Courses can be individual or group, informative or comprehensive. Introductionary courses take 1 to 3 hours, and detailed ones take 1 to 5 days. You can participate in them alone or with a group, according to your needs and possibilities. Individual training has its own advantages, because you can choose a time convenient for you, get personalized knowledge, but the investment is accordingly higher. Meanwhile, in groups, the format of common practices is very convenient. You can find more information in the section Courses.
- Are metaphoric card trainings suitable for business teams?
Yes! Hands-on metaphorical card training has many benefits. Above all, they are easy enough, fun and engaging for every team member. Secondly, they allow you to get to know each other much better, create an atmosphere of openness and trust. And of course, it frees up creativity, helps to discover new, unique solutions to achieve the company's goals.
- How does a coaching session with metaphorical cards work?
A coaching session or a coaching program (a package of several sessions) is designed to work with your individual requests. Each concerned question or problem is first discussed in detail, and then the coach chooses the most suitable cards that can help calm down, see the situation more clearly, feel the overflowing emotions and, of course, find optimal solutions. Depending on the need, more and more different layout methods are used.
- Is it necessary to register in order to shop at ?
Both registered and guest customers can shop. Registration simplifies and speeds up shopping: it allows you to see all completed orders, make returns easily and conveniently, and save your payment card and delivery address to make your next purchase extremely quickly. Also, registered buyers receive special offers for purchases and are the first to learn about new card sets or training.
- What is shopping cart?
Pirkinių krepšelis – tai visos kliento pasirinktos prekės vienoje vietoje. Susidėjus patinkančias ir norimas įsigyti prekes į pirkinių krepšelį, galima keisti jų kiekį, ištrinti ar pridėti kitas prekes. Taip pat matysite bendrą pirkinių sumą. Surinkus pirkinių krepšelį apsipirkti iš karto nebūtina, tačiau negarantuojame, jog pasirinktos prekės neįsigis kitas pirkėjas. Prekių krepšelis nėra rezervacijos priemonė.
- If an itemis sold out, is there a chance it will come back on sale?
Daugelis mūsų prekių yra tiekiamos nuolat, tad jei norimos prekės šiuo metu nėra, galite būti tikri ji greitu laiku atvyks. Prie tokios prekės matysite žymėjimą „Išankstinis užsakymas”. Paprastai prekės papildomos savaitės bėgyje, nebent būtų nurodyta kitaip. Tokią prekę galima užsisakinėti, ir gavus ji bus išsiųsta Jums, pirmumo teise.
- How do I find out about my order status?
After a successful order, the buyer receives a confirmation e-mail. email with order details. If for some reason the order cannot be fulfilled, the customer will receive an e-mail. a letter with information on why the order cannot be fulfilled. After confirmation, it is no longer possible to cancel the order, as the goods are immediately prepared for shipment.
- How can I pay for the products?
You can pay for the goods with MAESTRO, VISA, MASTERCARD debit and credit cards and through electronic banking.
- How do you know if the payment was successful?
Sėkmingai atlikus mokėjimą, gausite tai patvirtinantį laišką „Užsakymo patvirtinimas”.
- Can I get a VAT Invoice after shopping on ?
Yes. You need to select "Company details" in the "Payment" section and complete the necessary fields. After placing the order, the invoice will be sent to the specified e-mail address. postal address.
- What are the shipping methods you provide?
Parcels are delivered in two ways:
– pristatymas į pasirinktą siuntų terminalą – paštomatą.
– pristatymas į namus, darbą ar kitu nurodytu adresu per kurjerį.
We cooperate with LP express, Omniva and DPD carriers.
- How much does delivery cost?
Pristatymo kaina naudojantis kurjerio paslaugomis yra 5,00 EUR, į paštomatą – 3,00 EUR.
- How long does delivery take?
Items are usually shipped on the same day of order and delivered within 1-3 business days, depending on carrier availability.
- How can I find out about my order status?
Siuntinio būseną galima matyti „Mano paskyra” skiltyje. Po sėkmingo užsakymo, pirkėjas gauna tai patvirtinantį el. laišką su užsakymo detalėmis. Po patvirtinimo, galimybės atšaukti užsakymą nebėra, nes prekės iškart ruošiamos išsiuntimui. Jeigu dėl kokių nors priežaščių užsakymo įvykdyti nepavyktų, klientas bus informuotas atskiru el. laišku.
- Do you ship internationally?
Price is 12 EUR. If necessary, we can send the goods to another country, to the address requested by the customer. In this case, the shipping price is calculated individually, so it is necessary to contact tel. +370 611 37959 or by e-mail [email protected].
- Can I send back a broken item?
For any reason, unexpected or defective goods ordered from can be returned within 14 days from the day of receipt. Product labels and packaging must not be removed or otherwise damaged (this does not apply to defective products).
- How does a broken product return work?
To return the product, please send an email to a letter to the address [email protected]. Specify in it:
– Vardą Pavardę;
– Norimas gražinti prekes ir jų kiekius;
– Užsakymo numerį ir datą;
– Grąžinimo priežastį.
After receiving the seller's consent for the return, send the indicated products to the postal machine of Kaunas Urmas bases (LP express, Omniva or DPD).
- How much does a product return cost?
Product returns in is free. The customer pays only the return shipping costs if the product were not broken.
- When can I expect money back (a refud) after returning a broken product?
Refunds are usually made within 5 working days using the same payment method used at the time of purchase. After making the return, the customer will receive a confirmation email. Legislation provides for the possibility to return the money within 14 days from the date of submission of information about the withdrawal of the contract.
Do you have any questions?
We are ready to answer all your questions.
We will advise you on how to choose the most suitable sets of cards and training originally for you.