
Metaforinės Kortos

Individual metaphorical card workshop


Comprehensive online course on metaphorical cards that covers the main areas of their use, such as relationships, stress, working with children and teams. The individual format provides an opportunity not only to convey the most important knowledge, but also to delve deeper into Your personal needs.


Individualus metaforų online kursas apima pagrindines jų naudojimo sritis, tokias kaip santykiai, stresas, darbas su vaikais ir kolektyvais. Metaforų panaudojimas suteikia daugiau kūrybiškumo, padeda atrasti naujų idėjų ir sprendimų. Individualus formatas suteikia galimybę ne tik perteikti svarbiausias žinias bet ir pasigilinti į Jūsų asmeninius poreikius.

Metaphorical cards are amazing in their simplicity and effectiveness. They can be used both by a professional psychotherapist, a social or HR worker, and by an ordinary person who wants to know himself better. Metaphorical cards help reveal our desires, beliefs and, if necessary, supplement them with more ecological solutions.

Metaphoric card courses release our potential. By introducing more creativity into our life, daily or professional activities, we will discover many new ideas, solutions and allow the subconscious to reveal our true desires.

Find out more information about this course here: SPECIALIZED TRAINING COURSE

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