TIME TOGETHER communication cards with 180 questions, 5 different topics: personal, family, past and future, couple relationship and intimacy. It's a communication game that you can play with your partner or close friends as well as with your children, removing some of the question topics.
Great for: - Personal development ⭐⭐⭐ - Psychologists, psychotherapists ⭐⭐ - Coaching specialists, consultants ⭐⭐ - Educators, social workers ⭐⭐ - Training coaches, lecturers ⭐ - HR specialists, personnel workers ⭐ - Managers, teams ⭐
TIME TOGETHER is a very easy and fun way to connect with people, start a conversation, speak up, be heard and find others. The set contains 180 playing cards and instructions with several ways to use them.
Find out how to use various metaphorical cards in your activities, look here: TRAINING