Coaching session - is a conversation during which a coaching specialist helps the client to better understand his goals, motives and most effective ways of acting. During the session, the client analyzes alternatives for solving the problem, learns new behavior, analyzes past situations, for the development of future opportunities.
COACHING – is a process of change that helps reveal the client's internal potential, increase efficiency and achieve high-quality results in personal life and professional activities. The coaching philosophy is based on respect for the client's personal and professional experience and the belief that each client is a creative, multifaceted and versatile personality. In coaching, the main focus is not on problem analysis, but on finding the best solutions and how to realise them.
Metaphorical cards - a unique tool that helps to improve not only our imagination, but also subconscious desires and blocks with the help of images. Wide selection of metaphorical cards allows you to discover the most suitable techniques for each area of life.
Koučingo sesija su metaforinėmis kortomis – tai dviejų itin veiksmingų metodų, Koučingo ir Metaforų, apjungimas. Taip klientui sukuriama erdvė pilnam atvirumui su savimi, paleidžiami sąmonės blokai ir išlaisvinama vaizduotė naujų tikslų ir sprendimų atradimui.